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TM Unifi vs TIME Broadband – Marketing Comparison

Recently I wanted to upgrade my TM Unifi speed from 30Mbps to 100 Mbps. I live in a 25 years old condo. I have been TM Unifi loyalist since 2010 when it was first launched. That time 10Mbps was already very fast to mass customer.

Many reasons to upgrade to a faster speed. One of it was due to the fact during Covid19 most of the living household work from home. From office work to school to colleges everyone need internet.

I walked in to nearest TM’s retail centre. After few communication, I was asked to register my interest and they will get back to me within 2 weeks. Reason being TM said my condo has no fiber optic network and that is the reason why 100Mbps is not possible for me. However they said they will submit my application and will let TM office to decide next course of action or whether they can approve my application. So does the 2 weeks.

Later I got reply from TM that my request is not possible due to fiber readiness issue. Instead asked me to refer to my condo management and en bloc request fiber to be upgraded in the building. This anger me. To me this is not fair. In this age where provider monopolize has over. If I were to do what they told, TM will get free service from me because I bring them more customer. In the end what will I get? I will not do that.

At the same time, just very recent, TIME has started pulled in fiber to my condo. They are very aggressive in cutting in TM customer and provide better service from them. Then they started advertised their fiber availability in our condo lift.


Due to my frustration with TM, I contacted TIME salesgirl as advertised. They are willing to buy out contract from TM and I can get a whopping 500Mbps internet speed connectivity. Without hesitation after few questions asked, I decided to switch operator. Within 2 weeks I got my 500Mbps and will switch off my Unifi soon.

So far I am happy.


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May 2021